The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated across the world annually on June 21

on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga by resolution 69/131. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.

The primary objective of the International Day of Yoga is to raise awareness about yoga as a holistic practice for mental and physical well-being

Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is the theme for this year's International Yoga Day 2023, which beautifully captures our shared aspiration for “One Earth, One Family, and One Future.”

From the United Nations headquarters in New York, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lead the global celebration of yoga this year.

Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga. In some parts of India, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is also considered as the father of modern yoga.

Great Sage Maharshi Patanjali-THE FOUNDER OF YOGA

The first International Day of Yoga was observed around the world on June 21 2015 at Rajpath in New Delhi

The Ministry of AYUSH made the necessary arrangements in India. 35,985 people, including Narendra Modi and dignitaries from 84 nations, performed 21 asanas (yoga postures) for 35 minutes at Rajpath in New Delhi

Indra Devi: The 'First Lady of Yoga' 

The main event of this year IDY in India will take place in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh on 21st June 2023